Our mission is to ensure an inclusive, affirming and accepting environment for all members of the LGBTQIA+ community at the Broad, identify challenges to and lead the advancement of members of the LGBTQIA+ community in STEM fields, engage with external organizations to promote equality for LGBTQIA+ people in society, and to collaborate with other Broad affinity groups to promote a genuine, shared culture of diversity and inclusion.



  • Increase visibility and acceptance of LGBTQIA+ members within the Broad community.
  • Advocate for LGBTQIA+-friendly changes in Broad policies and in the workplace.
  • Provide support and networking opportunities for members of our community.
  • Identify issues faced by LGBTQIA+ people in STEM fields and generate strategies to address them.
  • Connect and engage with local organizations, companies, academic institutions and medical centers to extend our network and create a channel for outreach.


Current projects

  • Sponsor informational events, with speakers discussing LGBTQIA+-related topics.
  • Build connections with LGBTQIA+ STEM professionals.
  • Launch initiatives for allies of and families with LGBTQIA+ individuals.
  • Collaborate on programming with BroadLife.
  • Raise awareness through events including Boston Pride, National Coming Out Day, Transgender Awareness Week, and World AIDS Day.
  • Organize social events.


Past projects

Family building seminar in partnership with BroadLife. Collaboration with the Blood Donation Working Group, which issued a report to the FDA urging changes to its blood donor deferral policy.



All Broadies may join! The group welcomes LGBTQIA+ Broadies and allies (supportive colleagues, friends, family). Email out-sc@broadinstitute.org to join Out@Broad. You'll receive email updates and be added to our private Slack channel.

Latest Announcement

Out@Broad, the LGBTQIA+ affinity group at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and members from the Broad community (listed below) support gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse youth, as it is undeniably beneficial for the health and well-being of these youth and their families.
out@broad logo: a block letter "O" with the progress pride flag colors inside
